April 11th, 2019 | Community Oracle Reading | by @firmearte
Community Reading ORACLE Universal Love Oracle

4/11 Community Oracle Reading | by @firmearte . EXPECTANCY . This card is a bold message to stop allowing your Mind to create scenarios for a certain future endeavor or situation as it may totally be hindering the ultimate outcome. Sometimes the power of the mind can project false narrativeās and as the messages weāve received this week have stated we are doing real work in the realm of success, ambition, prosperity and career. This card is a reminder to allow things to flow without expectation. Trust that things are always conspiring in your favor and that you can rest...
April 8th, 2019 | Community Reading | By @Firmearte
Alana Fairchild Mother Mary Mother Mary Oracle Oracle Oracle Cards Oracle Deck Our Lady Of Great Power tarot

4/8/2019 | COMMUNITY READING | By @Firmearte . OUR LADY OF GREAT POWER Some of us unfortunately before we really come into our power we can sometimes be bombarded with situations or relationships that really are incredibly lackluster and do not offer much of an inspirational vibration. Our lady of great power shows up today to be that divine positive force that is reinforcing its trust in your full capabilities as a creative, healthy & successful part of this world. When we are lacking in our relationships with others we often times find ourselves in a headspace where we can...
Feb 26 + 27th | Community Oracle Reading | by @firmearte
community Community Reading community readings Guardian ORACLE Oracle Cards Oracle Deck Toni Carmine Salerno Universal Love Oracle

CARD =Ā GUARDIANĀ |Ā InterpretationĀ byĀ @firmearteĀ ANGELS | ANCESTORS | GUIDES | GUARDIANSĀ Ā CELEBRATIONĀ Todayās Pull of the guardian card is definitely highlighting a personal relationship you have with an Angel/ancestor. Take some time to try and resonate with who that might be, a lot of you may already know in your heart who that is and today is a day to celebrate that person. If you have an altar space please set out a few small offerings as gratitude for their protection and communication as today they are most definitely present. This is a reminder that you have some powerful forces watching over you and...
Feb 22nd | Community oracle reading | by @firmearte
community Community Reading community readings ORACLE Oracle Cards Toni Carmine Salerno universal wisdom oracle

Ā Oracle =Ā SACRED MOUNTAINĀ ||Ā byĀ @firmearteĀ ||Transformation | Ancestral Earth ConnectionĀ Ā In understanding the fact that there are things we simply need to energetically and physically purge from our daily and ethereal existence comes a sometimes heavy āburdenā like energy when we start allowing space for the realityās of these toxic habits, patterns, situations or people weāve allowed ourselves to be consumed with. Sacred mountain is a reminder that we all are connected through the materials that create us, our physical vessels are just as much a part of the ancient red mountains as we are the stars that illuminate our sky. We...
Feb 19th + 20th | Full Moon In Virgo | Supermoon | Community oracle reading | by @firmearte
full Moon full moon in virgo Full Moon Reading ORACLE universal wisdom oracle virgo

Feb 19th + 20th | Full Moon In Virgo | Super Moon | Community oracle reading | by @firmearte | PICK A CARD EDITIONPick a card babe. Left or Right?. . . . . . . . . . . LEFT = TURQUOISE SEA Start tuning your attention to Destroying the false narrativeās that we have inherited that Continuously tell us that we aināt shit. It is a reminder that if you find yourself in a situation with another not working out that often times our neglect of our own self love and respect is the reason why the forces...