Blog — Healing
August 14th 2018 | Community Tarot + Oracle Reading
community Community Reading community readings Healing judgement ORACLE Oracle Cards Oracle Deck Tarot universal wisdom oracle

Collaboration community reading by @angelomalforms & @firmearte 2 Card Pull | Tarot = Judgement | Reversed + Oracle = Healing Tarot = THE 20TH KEY // JUDGEMENT // Reversed By @angelomalforms A life well lived, a work well done. Awakening, renewal. Legal judgements in one's favor. A change of personal consciousness, which is now on the verge of blending with the universal. The aesthetic drama of this pull beholds Gabriel emerging blowing his trumpet. Some spirits will see this as a sound of war and the day is Tuesday from Norse god Tyr a god of war. Not always an obvious physical war though one within ones self....