4/8/2019 | COMMUNITY READING | By @Firmearte
Some of us unfortunately before we really come into our power we can sometimes be bombarded with situations or relationships that really are incredibly lackluster and do not offer much of an inspirational vibration. Our lady of great power shows up today to be that divine positive force that is reinforcing its trust in your full capabilities as a creative, healthy & successful part of this world. When we are lacking in our relationships with others we often times find ourselves in a headspace where we can do it all on our own and we tend to push away any help because offered. Use this time to possibly look into accepting help from an outside source but making sure it’s from a place that resonates deeply with you in a positive way. Do not except help from a source that sucks away your soul in any form or fashion. Our lady of great power is here to be a companion in this time in your life where a decision needs to be made involving a creative, career/prosperity opportunity as mentioned in our oracle card pull from yesterday! You are backed by community here and in spirit. Remember that you are always allowed to walk this earth alone but sometimes this realm of existence is much more pleasurable when you have someone one by your side helping you manifest your goals, whether that is a friend, lover, family member or business associate. I love you. You got this.
Deck Used = Mother Mary oracle deck by Alana Fairchild
Below is a deck review we did on our DigitalWitchTV youtube channel!
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